Thursday, July 29, 2010

OpenCL fuse manual

Hm, been a while since the last post, hasn't it? Fate of most blogs I guess. Not entirely uneventful, what with Fusion 6.1 being released & all. Now that that's out of the way, I can divert a little mental energy elsewhere.

This is just a heads-up that I've posted an updated OpenCL fuse reference manual over on VFXpedia, so you've officially run out of excuses (except for the guy over there with last year's ATi card, you're off the hook). There are some example OpenCL fuses included with Fusion 6.1, and a quick walkthrough (could use a little revising) also on VFXpedia. I'm curious to see what people come up with, now that fuses can be even faster than built-in tools!

Next up, I'll show you how to do stereo 3D titles - without using the 3D engine (cue audience gasps). Also, should I be announcing things like the Build 667 point release here too, in case someone actually notices it here first? Anyone? Bueller? <FX: crickets>


  1. Thanks for the docs. Is there a 667 sdk?

  2. Not sure if there's a new SDK release for 667 yet. Anything built with the 644 SDK should work fine.
