Thursday, March 4, 2010

Creating 3D LUTs

As of, erm, 5.2? Fusion has supported 3D LUTs, in the image view and on the flow, natively (I think Rising Sun had a plugin for that before then). These go beyond ordinary (1D) LUTs and allow you to do more than simply adjust colour intensities, but to map colours to completely different colours, like making the image sepia, or changing all the chartreuse pixels in your image to a sort of pinky-russet.

In fact, pretty much any non-spatial colour correction can be done with a single 3D LUT, limited only by the range and accuracy of the LUT. They're fast too, at least when accelerated by modern GPU hardware. The catch; you had to find your own 3D LUT files, somewhere.

These days, it's possible to build your own 3D LUTs right within Fusion. There's a few ways to do that; easiest is to right-click on the image view, choose LUT..., then select Convert to 3D LUT. If you have a view LUT enabled, of any sort or combination (you did know you could use multiple view LUTs, didn't you?), then it will be converted into a 3D LUT file and exported to your LUTs: directory.

This works with macro LUTs too, so try this:
  • Set up a chain of colour correction tools on the flow; a single CC tool, a FileLUT tool with a LUT file in it, a chain of CCvs, Clrs and custom fuses, whatever.
  • Select them all and drag them to a Bin folder
  • Type "LUTs:Snazzy" into the pop-up Save File dialogue, and click Save.
  • Now you can choose "Snazzy" from the view's LUT menu! Enable the LUT, voila - but it's a little slow to update, because it's all rendered by the CPU.
  • Choose Convert to 3D LUT from the LUTs... context submenu, to get a file dialogue.
  • Type a filename with format extension, like "Snazzy LUT.3dl" or "ewww.alut3".
  • Choose the range and accuracy you'd like. Defaults are probably fine, so click OK.
  • Fusion creates the 3D LUT file, selects it in the view, and magically your very own fancy colouring is applied with all the sheer, ludicrous speed that your cheapo graphics hardware can provide (which I bet is actually pretty darn snappy).
So now you can hardware-accelerate those slow macro view LUTs you've been using. Plus of course, you can take Snazzy LUT.3dl and pass it on to your coworkers, so that they can get fast snazzy colour too and you can bask in their unbridled admiration.


  1. So the "LUTs:" is something magic? What other interesting secret strings are there?

  2. No magic there - LUTs: is just the path map to the folder where Fusion keeps its LUTs. Fusion has been able to use macros, saved tools, saved groups of tools etc as view LUT since 5.1 or so. LUTs: is where it looks for them.

    All the magic happens when choosing the Convert to 3D LUTs menu item.

  3. Oh, OK. I thought you were naming the Bin item itself "LUTs:". I've done the setting-as-"LUT" thing before, but only spatial effects, like a 4:2:0 YUV preview LUT.

  4. I have an image in a loader, then a chain of colour correction tools, then the saver. I want to convert my chain of colour adjustments into a lut so I can reuse my work.

    When I convert to 3d lut as you say, it saves the file, and I keep default settings.

    When I try to USE the lut, it looks nothing at all like what I made! The result is like a 3 bit photo in a cheap editing program with "contrast" pushed to 100%... I don't get it!
